Saturday 9 April 2016

Introducing the News

BBC News at Ten 05/04/2016 

The stories covered in this news report were about Icelandic prime minister resigning after being accused of hiding millions dollar in an offshore company and David Carmeron late father is mentioned in some of the leaked papers for them benfiting from offshore money which David Carmeron denies  and also the new boss of world football the preseident of fifa, the first minster of Wales visit No10 to find a solution for the steel crisit threatning loads of jobs, 2  teenage girls found guilty for lady toutured and killed in her own home, the theft of millions of pound worth of Chinese treasures from museums, a criminal gang is jailed for 6 years, Glasgow rangers celebrate a win.
   They show clips of the stories that are going to be shown and then the goes to what sport story will be told then will go to the intro. The music that they use for the intro part of the news it is meant to be engaging and informative.

The person that presented this news at tenon the 5th of April was Huw Edwards . He is  male, age 54.
   The role of the presenter is to write there own script on the stories given and then it will be checked over by an editor then put the script into the teleprompter so they can read it for the news later.
  The skills a presenter has to have is  good communication skills, clear speaking, making quick decisions, being calm, good eye contact.

The news ordering normally starts with the main story which is the longest running then will go into second load of ne which is events that have recently happened an go into the and finally story which is normally a quite a happy story. If  something big happens that would be breaking news which would be added in before any of the other stories.

The term given to the list of stories likely to appear in the broadcast is called running order this helps choose the stories that go into the news and break down the sort of stories that go in the news and then the stories will be reviewed first before they go into news. If they can't get the information they need or they can not film due to the sort of circumstanes. Then once they have the infomation for the stories choosen they will be rated importants and the most important would be the lead story then the rest of the stories after, these stories donot get much screen time compared to the lead story which runs for the longest and would use an uplifting story last to leave you on a higher note.

The ablility to think and act fast on the news is important  because  if really big news comes through they need to act calm then go into the breaking news and they also have about three different people talking through their ear piece telling them to go talk a bit fast or go slower or to move to the next story.

The term 'Slow News Day' means when  the media releases trivial stories because of the lack of important topics or hard news stories. For example in the absence of a serious accident a news channel may run a story on a sheep that makes friends goat.

The story that is shown last is called the 'And finally' story. This story is make the news end on a lighter note from most of the stories which are normally important or sad. For example they may use a funny news story on an animal or if an important person like a celebrity visiting another country.

The news values are how news stories are ranked and by the content of what it in the story. Jouurnaist use this to help them choose the news stories for the days news and for what the public intrests.

News stories for each value

New cross stabbing: Myron Yarde, 17, named as muder victim
 This shows negativity because someone has been killed due to someone stabbing them.

Plymouth 'low impact' train crash leaves 18 injured
This shows proximity because it is based on an incident within the UK.

Panama Papers:Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens
 This shows a news story that has been in the news recently and is of high importact.

Tommy, whose brother Ciaron went missing in 2011 wants to find him more than ever
 This story shows currency as it has been update to people about something that has been going on time, such as a missing person case.  

Moment first passenger flight left Brussels airport
 This shows continuity as it keeps people updated with what has gone on and to show you what might happen next.

New Zealand 'cat burglar' caught stealing underwear

This shows a light-hearted news story. They don't normally end up on the main news but may end up on something like Russel Howard Good News.

Simplicity :
Santander cash machines: Crime fears at Lancashire and Cheshire ATMs
 These stories are easy to understand and people don't have to put a lot into reading them.

Doncaster Rover fans angry at 1D start Louis Tomlinson's competition win 
 If it is about a well know person such as a celebrity which gets peoples interests.

Junior doctors dispute: Fourth strike hits NHS in England
 This shows that the reader knows what to expect because there has been so many strikes before hand.

Elite nations or people:
Nuclear terrorist attack would 'change our world', says Obama
This is when an important person speaks about a certain topic that is currently relevenet within the news.

This is the sort of story is normally posted by news papers as it is important but they are the only people who own the story to publish it.  

Panama Papers: PM 'wont't gain from offshore fund in future' -NO 10
This story has a big impact as it involved the government with important news topic.

From the BBC News at Ten 05/04/2016  I will be talking about the main story and what it is about.
  The main story from the ten news at the the 5th of April was on  the Prime minster of Iceland resigning after accsued of having millions of dollars in offshore company . Information leaked from the PANAMA Papers from a law firm.  The prime minster said he sold his shares to his wife and say he didn't commit any wrong doing. Then it goes onto the linked story about David Cameron's late father doing the same and David talking about it and he doesn't get anything from that funding.
    This involed the prime minster of Iceland, people protesing out side of the parliament. The people protesting out side of the parliment were banging on the metal steps and pelting eggs at the building  because of what has gone on with their country. The prime minster stood down after claims he had millions of dolars in an offshore company holding his investments.
   It doesn't show the Prime minster of Iceland much but when it did it showed him walking away from the cameras to get out of the way and it showed the protester standing up for what they think is right one of them said it is like the people in parliament have different rule to the public.
  The way this story made me feel it annoyed me slightly because of the fact in genral the goverments do make the rich richer and them putting money offshore is unfair because also it effect all of the poorer people more and I think that should be no way to get around banks and storing money in another counrty.
     The narrative slightly helps the story but I didn't think that it explain the situation very well and the prime minster of Iceland didn't say anything about what has happened other than what news areporter said.

 bias through selecyion and omission

 This video shows Donald Trump getting cheered by his supporters and how they would of agree with what he is saying. This is just some of his support because I think he mostly gets hate for what he says.

Bias though Placement

This story is on the Brussles bombing and there being more footage of  one of the men from it and they believe he is one of the only surving members from the paris bomings last November. I do think this story would be of high importance because of the bombings afew weeks ago.

Bias through headlines

This story sound like it should of been recent but it says in the report that this lady was killed in 2014 and the girls who were on trial go the minimum of 15 years in jail.
  The headline draws you in so you will read the story so it get move views.

Bias through shot selection and Canera angles

 Looking at this two photo you see that it shows David Cameron giving a speach which shows power and the the second photo is of Ed Miiliband eating a bacon sandwich which shows him looking a little stupid stuffing his face.
   These images are here to make you think over who you would like too vote for which these photos would maybe make you vote for David Cameron.

Bias through use of a name and title

For this example, Adolf Hitler is a good one for this as in Germany  he was seen as a god becasue of the things he was doing like killing off the Jews and invading other counrties but in other counties he was viewed as bad for the mass murder he had brought and the thousands of countries he had destroied.

Bias through use of Language

The tone of voice and the way language is used in speeches can be very foward and strong, then sometime it can be caring.
   Depend on what the media is talking about or who, they will make what the person is saying sound horrible and make people turn against them or if the media likes them they will choose the best bit of what they have said.

Listening to this speech Margaret Thatcher former british prime minster she was detirmined to send over British forces to the Falklands to protect the land which was british terrortorie. She had to convice the rest of the british goverment to send the forces.


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