Saturday 19 March 2016

Documentary formats:texts

La sortie des usines Lumiere

With this documentary it was one of the first of its kind as being just filming workers leaving Lumiere factory.
    With the editing it would mostly be cuts or when the film had ended and they had put new film in.
The way it has been filmed feels a little forced as it shows only people walking to the left or right but not straight on.  It also looks like it has been filmed in the morning because no one has a small bags.

Night Mail

Night Mail shows you the journey from London Euston Station to Glasgow then on to Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
  With editing to get the birds eye view of the train moving they use a model train set. The cuts within the messages transferring round it looks slightly odd as it doesn't look right when the person starts pulling the leavers as it don't match.

Bowling for Columbine

In this documentary film Michael Moore talks about the Columbine high school massacre in 1999.
 in this clip from the film it shows Michael going to a bank / licence  gun holders to get a gun. I think he wants to show how  easy it is to get a gun.
   It looks like he deliberately wears the same clothing to  make it look like the same day from the day he got interviewed but it isn't as the people at the bank they said it would take a couple of days to clear to see if he was in the clear to own a gun.
  He acts like he is really stupid before he gets the gun but when he gets the gun he looks like he knows how to handle.

When Louis met Jimmy and Louis and the Nazis

In these two documentaries  Louis interviews the new day Nazis in America and Jimmy Savile.
 In the Jimmy Savile one Louis wanted to try to make Jimmy to talk about him being a paedophile because Louis knew so he tried to lead his questions towards that way but Jimmy would change them to he could avoid letting the truth out. So it also probably played mind game to make him think about what he was doing.
 In the Nazis one it was scary to see that these people were so racist  and even bringing their Children to be like that. There was one person that Louis talked to, to see where he fitted in with this group of people because he never gave a straight answer. There was one mum called April who was home schooling her daughters Lynx and Lamb and teaching the way she lives and how to be Nazis. One other family kept asking Louis is he was Jewish and to turn his camera off and if he was Jewish that they would beat him up and leave him on he streets.

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