Monday 9 November 2015

Pre-production paper work

Talent forms.

These are talent forms for the actors/actresses
who will be in our short film. There is two different types of forms minor and adult form.

Scouting forms

 These forms we used to scout the locations we will film in and we also took photos of the area we will use with in the park and W16.

Release location form

 For filming within college grounds we had to get permission from the care taker to use W16. If we wasn't allowed to we would have to of changed all are plans.

Budgeting sheet

This sheet we had to work out what props would be paid for and what we would bring in ourselves like costume. We had to also attach the receipt to what we bought.

 Risk assessment

We had to write a risk assessment form because of that hazards we could come across well filming in the park and W16.

Shot list, Story Board and Production schedule

All these sheets link with each other. First we worked out the story line and then how many shots we wanted to have. Then once we finished we started to plan the story board and figure out how we wanted to position each shot while in still life. We worked out how long each shot would be so it would fit the 90 second time frame.  Then we wrote up the production schedule and what shots we would film on each day but now due to the weather we may have to take some editing time to film parts we didn't get to shoot.

Images for green screen background

This information is for the moon picture that we are using.

“NASA still images, audio files, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.”

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