Monday 28 September 2015

Evaluation of  Continuity Sequence

Link to Video here    

 When film our continuity sequence we didn't use one of our shot as it didn't fit in with the sequence very well .
   With the actresses which was Vicky, Livvy and Me, Livvy and Vicky clothing was very causal while mine was a Japanese school uniform as I was in character as a killer.
The make up we used special effect make up such as fake blood, wax and body paint and normal very day make to the eyes look bigger. For the music we chose a track called ' Come Play With Me' and we got that off a site called incompetech which is a non-copyright sound site and for the scream we got it of a site called free-sound as the screen we had recorded was not scary enough for this video.

The lighting varied from each scene. The little room we filmed was kind of dark to start with but when we was film we edited it slightly so it would be a bit dark to give a creepy feeling. Then we film shot in the corridor door they came out really bright as we didn't  adjust the IOS on the camera. If we was to re-film them scene we would of change the IOS slightly to make it darker.

High and Low angles:
When filmed we used a low angle when Vicky picked the knife up and when Vicky fell to the floor when she got stabbed in the tummy area. We didn't use any high angle but if we was to do it again we would of try to add some in.

Different Shot Distance:
When  filming we did use a lot of wide shot as we need to show what was happening with in the scene and we used extreme close up shot for my eyes to give it a creepy feeling, also used mid shots when we was about to go into the killing scene to make you get scared of what might happen next.

Camera movement:
With the camera movement we used it for that last death scene. What we did was take the camera of the tripod and when Vicky fell the camera movement when down with her. The movement was a hand held tracking shot .

Fades and Dissolves:
When in editing we used a dissolve effect  when Vicky was the  was on the phone to show that she had been on the phone for a while, in the meanwhile shot we used a wipe which move to the right, and in the shot when Vicky went back to the room it had a big jump in so we put a fade in so it didn't jump and at the end we used a fade into black at the end as we did want to have credits but we didn't have enough time to make them.

The continuity system: 
180 degrees rule: We did kind of break the Rule as it was not necessary for our video so we did the full 360 degrees for positioning of the camera to get the full perspective of the video but if we was to do this again we may try not break that rule depending on the situation of the video.
Establishing shot: In our video there is a few of the establishing shots as we wanted to build up suspense for the end of the video when Vicky dies and she doesn't know what was going to happen.
Match cuts on action: In our video we didn't use any match cut on actions shot as we could find anywhere to fit one in but if we was to do this again we would try to add on in.
Eyeline match cuts: We did used afew of eyeline match cuts as in editing some of the shot had to finish at a certain point.
Point of view shots: We had a few POV shots one was a close up of the wound and when vicky had come through the door and looked at me who was the killer.
Shot reverse shot: We was going to use one but when we was filming it didn't really fit in so we changed it, if we was to do this again we would try add on in .

This is a wide shot. When planning we wanted it to be a wide shot high angle but when filming the high angle part didn't fit in very well.

 This mid shot shows Vicky getting stabbed by the killer (me). In this shot we wanted it to show the killer happy that she has got away with murder twice.
This is one of our point of view shots showing the wound of the victim.

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