Saturday 14 May 2016

The nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries

Primary Research 
This is when you produce the information that is needed.
 Primary research is the work is were you conduct all of the interviews, survey/questionnaires and gathering photos from previous events that you have been to and forums online.
   For my primary research I looked at my old photos to use within my documentary and did a survey on survey monkey to find out whether people knew what cosplay was and if they took part in it. The results from that were very helpful for finishing off my documentary. I talked to a girl called Jessica to see if she would be happy to be interviewed for my documentary and she was happy to help me out with my idea.
 From previous primary research we did a survey at the end of making the adverts, re-branding a Unilever product. We found out we had successfully re-branded PG Tips to the teenager and uni students.

 You can find my primary research for my documentary under the title of 'Primary research' on my blog.

This is a part of the conversation I had with Jessica asking if she would help out and be interviewed for my documentary.

Some snippets from my Primary research post.

Secondary Research
Secondary research is finding the information from other sources to support your work.
Sources of secondary research are internet, libraries, news paper, books that people have produced.
  For my secondary research I found some articles linked to cosplay and videos that people have done about why they cosplay. This was in the style of Dejavudea's research around the statement:'Cosplay! Do It Right or Not At All'. I took a few screen shots of the videos I viewed on YouTube to show what some of the content was within.  I also looked up a couple of cosplayers I like and found found what social media they used to promote their cosplay. Before starting on my personal research we had to look up three 3 minute wonders and looked at the topics they talked about and how they presented. We also looked at TV programmes on the documentary channels and the got some of the BARB figures for one of the channels program ratings.

Some examples:

BARB Figures

Snippets from my Secondary research post of the links and one of the cosplayers I looked at.

Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is to do with numbers and statistics.
   Quantitative research is where there is a collective amount of numbers and statistics. So this would be a tally of video  views, the number of likes/ dislikes, sale numbers of DVDs, CDs and the numbers from surveys.
    For my quantitative research I used survey monkey to gather information and to see how many people knew what Cosplay was and to find out age, gender and occupation of participants. More females answered my survey than males and the age range was between 16-25 years.
   The YouTube videos I also watched for secondary research had quite a lot of views and the likes were also high.

Some examples of quantitative research.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is when you get the reasons why someone likes/dislikes certain things and helps researchers to develop ideas.
    Qualitative research can detail opinion on  a certain subjects, including : game reviews, film reviews discussions on forums and articles.
   For my qualitative research I gathered the written answers from my survey. Details include whether they have cosplayed, the list of their cosplays, the conventions they have been to, people who cosplay, the sort of documentaries they watch and whether they were interested in a cosplay documentary.

Some examples of qualitative research.

Data Gathering Agencies

BARB( Broadcasters' Audience Research Board) -   BARB produce figure for each TV channel and the programmes most watched to least watched on it. They have the current viewing report to see what is trending.
 They give the percentage and numbers for TV shows and that keeps a track of ratings for programmes.

RAJAR(Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd)-  They find out the amount of people who listen to the radio. They are the BARB for radio.
    They give out the radio listening figures of radio networks following a survey. They also work out an average of hours per listener.

IMDb-  They are a site that find out and publishes information about films and TV shows. They review films, games, TV shows, ETC . They also tell you who has worked on said film, game, TV show and who acts in it and the budget that they work with.
  They tell you the amount of money that has gone into a film, the actors/actresses and what rating star wise the film has been given.

Audience and Market Research 

Some examples of  audience and market research is finiding the primary and secondary demographics, the class of people you are asking and advertsising plactment.
    For my audience and market research I did a survey to find out the demographics for my chosen topic which was cosplay and we also did the same for when we re-branded a unilever product which was PG Tips.

Some examples of my Audience and Market Research

 PG Tips survey

 cosplay survey

Production Research 

Production research is where you find out whether you can film in a certain place, if you need to buy anything the cost of what you need to buy, the technology resources so finding out if you can hire the equpiment you need and the sources of elctrical outputs are good.
     What I did for my production research is that I knew I would be mostly filming at my home it would be very quiet during the day so I wouldn't get disturbed, I didn't need to buy anything for my production so I didn't need to budget and I made sure that I could hire out the right equiment for filming so I knew when filming I was in foucs the sound quailty was good and that the camera was right height. The equiment used for my production was the 700 DSLR, an class ten SD card, a tripod, a hand held mic and one that pluggrd into the camera.

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