Wednesday 18 May 2016

Ownership and Funding

Ownership Concepts

Public service broadcasting (PSB)- These are TV channels broadcast for the public interest/ benefit than having for commercial advertisement trying to sell other products.  The BBC come under this as they do not have adverts in-between  their programmes and they do show a religious program  which is called 'Songs of Praise' which is normally shown on a Sunday evening.

Commercial Broadcasting-  These TV Channels have adverts programmes trying to advertise products that is one way for them channels to make money. Channel 4 is a channel that does this, after a show has finished there will be an advert and during the viewing time there will be a break where adverts will be shown.

Corporate and Private Ownership- This is when you have a company that is privately owned.  'the guardian' is a privately owned, the founder is John Edward Taylor. They are a news paper company in Great Britain.

Global Companies- This is a company that is known all over the world and that does trade with its companies as well. Disney is a good one for this as they have quite a few theme parks over the world  and shops in the big cities. The Frozen song 'Let It Go' has been traslated in to all different languages.

Vertical Integration (owning stuff in different sectors)- This is where the are two companies working at different stages of meringing together to become a bigger company.With verical intergration the bigger copany may own more than the smaller company which is looking to merge with the bigger copamy and for them to work together. Heyday films joined with the Warner Brothers and created the Harry Potter films. Warner Brother controlled how all of the production, adverting and ETC. They have also joined with many other companies throughout their years of business.

Horizontal Integration/ monopolisation- This is when the two companies are at the same stage and looking to merginging to create a bigger company. With horizontal inertarion both companies most likelt have the same sort of share and are looking in expanding together on what they already have.
  Orange and T-Mobile joined together to create EE phone service as on their own may of not been making enough money own there own but joining together is better to start making a profit.

Funding Types

The Licence Fee-  This is where people will pay an amount of money to gain a certain service.
 This is where you may pay to gain certain channels like children programmes and even if you want freeview you still have to pay for the box if your tv isn't synced up properly.

Subscription-This is were you pay a monthly fee to keep watching content on that is on their site. Crunchy roll have the premium option where you pay £4.99 a month to watch anime and drama if new one hour after airing Japan and can read manga on there manga app


One-off payment to own product- This is were you pay for an item like games or films and you get to keep it and there isn't any other hidden payments within.
i-Tunes normally does this with films and music you maybe pay a few pound for what you want and you keep it with no hidden payments.

Pay per View- This is where you have to pay every-time you want to view something. this normally happens with certain sports channels like boxing.
 Some of the Sky sports you have to pay a certain amount to watch the boxing programmes.

Sponsorship- This is when a company pays someone to advertise/ sell their products or it will before a TV program sponsoring what is on next. They may have many different adverts like 118 118 does.
 118 118 does this on the ITV channels when the show a film. They show the sponsorship ad before the film starts when the is a break for ads and when it goes back to the film.

Advertising- This is a is where a TV channel has adverts and is creating revenue from showing that ad.  A TV channel may show an advert more than once to try and gain more views and to promote that product more.
 The snickers advert has Mr Bean in it to so it will help attract fans of him or children to buy the snickers bar for them-self or someone who likes it. This also helps bring a bit of entertainment during a break in-between a show.

Product Placement-  This is where they have a branded product in an TV program and a the beginning there should be a 'PP' logo in one of the corners.  Wayne's World does this is on of the scenes they show off a couple of product placement.
 This is one way to promote/adverts branded items subtly or straight up show them off. This way of advertising is not normally used to much.

Private Capital-  This is when money is paid directly to a private company by one person or a group to help fund a film or TV show .Then it will be shown once finished. A company that is a private capital is Goldmansachs. There target industries are Business services, Healthcare services and technology, Software and technology-enabled services, Telecom and communications, Data, information, and marketing services, Transportation and logistics,Consumer services and Environmental Services.

Crowd-funding- This is when the public fund something like a film or game. It is when you can put money towards something you are interested in.
 Ashens did this with the film he made 'Ashens and the quest for the Game Child'.
Why crowd funding is good is because it can be funded by your fans and they ccan donate asmuch as they want. If the person who have created this game ot film idea took it a company they could either turn it down or change the whole plan around and not getting the actors/ actresses they would like to star in it.

Development Funds- This is when funds come from an indirect sale and help out a manufacture to make an awareness about the certain product.  The BFI helps fund and develop feature films.They support lots of different types of films and other projects.  One of the BFI help fund the film 'The Lobster'.


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