Wednesday 4 November 2015

Requirements for Production

The Pre-Production Process 

Type of moving image production (media forms)
In a group we had to produce a short movie for the DepicT! film competition. We created a 90 second long film which would be distributed over the internet via YouTube. DepicT! is a international competition where you make a 90 second film which it can be of any genre.

The other types of media are:

  • Feature length films they are distributed on TV as adverts, trailers, posters, previous DVD's that have just been released  . For a film to be classed as feature length film they have to run for 40 minutes or more.

  •  Animations ( 2D: Cartoons, anime, 3D animation, etc) they are normally distributed on TV as adverts then later seasons are put DVD which then adverts new seasons.
  •  Music is normally distributed on music channels on TV and online via YouTube as adverts.
  •  DVD/Blu-Ray are distributed by shops selling them, adverts on TV and posters on buses or bus stop shelters.
  • VHS(Video Home System) were really popular and they was distributed on TV with adverts, shops would be selling them and now you can find the odd charity shop or old film store that sell them.

Finance and sources of funding

The types of funding:

  • Private investor is a company or person whose shares are privately held and are not traded on the stock market. An  example of a private investor would be Megan Ellison who is best  known for producing 'Zero Dark Thirty ' and 'American Hustle'. She fund films because she has the money to help produce films. 
  • A kick starter is crowd funded an example of the this is 'Ashens and the quest for the game-child' which got $73,630 and there main target was $180,000 it didn't get there. Crowd funding is where the public fund the film that is going to be made and they donate as much money as they want to to that film. There are few different kick starter site the main three are kick stater, Indiegogo and Patreon the difference between each site is Indiegogo lets you keep the money that you have raised even if you don't hit you goal, Kick starter you have to reach or pass you goal to keep the money and Patreon is to help support creators to create and upload videos each month. 

  • Studio backing is big major companies help funding a huge part of a film. Universal studios is big company which has help fund and produce films like Ted and Pitch Perfect 1&2. 
Directors like Zach Braff sometimes go to the option of crowd funding when they want to make a more personal film so the pick and choose who they want as actor and actresses but if they went to a filming/producing company the company would get to choose some of the actors or actresses when auditioning and choose what some of the scenes are going to be like.

  •  Self funding is where you pay for the expenses of the film with your own money. For a self funded film you normally ask you mates  to act in it or post about your film on social media sites to see if you can get anyone new, you try and and film within a few days so you don't have to pay the the crew, actors/actresses much as if you was going through a major company. An film example what was self funded was 'Brick'. The director funded with the help from his family.

For big movies quite movie a lot of money can be spent on :

  • Costumes
  • Props
  • Equipment
  • Crew
  • Cast/Talent
  • Location
  • Transport
  • Catering
  • Licences  
For our DepicT! short film we had to work out what sort of things we would or wouldn't need like we cut out the licencing because for are sound effect and music we when to loyalty free website such as incompetech and free-sound; the reasone why we used imcompetech and  free-sound is because we couldn't use offical music that is in the charts as it is coppyrighted and that means we have to get the permission of the record company and the artist to use it , costumes we bought in are own clothing and had to spend out for only one part of the costumes which was the cape for Mr Justice, with the location we chose areas that we knew we could have the permission to us the green screen room and the local park which is the public's to use, so with that we didn't have to spend out for transport. With the equipment we could rent it out through the colleges av room. Cast/ Talent all of my group stared in 'Parallel Justice' and that we was also the crew so when someone wasn't in the shot they would film but if we were all in shot we ask someone with in are group to help us film.


The make up of a low budget short would maybe be about ten people and a back up plan. With action short the actors/actresses they may have to do there own stunts. With most shorts you still have to do the same allocated  jobs for people so crew, talents, editors, and  producers. They would still need to go and get sheets signed for if they wanted to film in a pub and so on. With advertisement they may make a Facebook page, YouTube channel or Twitter account.

TV programme are normally made up of about 50 people. They would have a sets made up  or they would go out and find and get permission to use that certain building or street. There is also story lines and plots which would continue on through episodes over the year as TV programmes can go on for years.

Holly wood feature films will be quiet different to the TV programmes and shorts as they have a higher budgets and they will have special departments for costumes, props, lighting, cameras plus camera equipment and so on. They would be able to have a longer time to film different parts of the film and would be able to pay more for stunt doubles so the actors/actresses  who are in an action scene they would get the double to step in and take the major hit so the star doesn't get hurt.

With our DepicT! short paper work wise we all worked on the paper work to get it to the best we could. With the filming we chose the persons whose idea it was for 'Parallel Justice' to be Mr Justice as he was most suited for that role, the person who was Mr Justice he asked his friend to be the villain/bully who mostly looked like the stereotypical bully, with me and the other girl in are group we was the henchmen/the people Mr Justice wanted to be friends with we chose that role as it best suited us. I do think some of the group I worked with did have some experience with acting from previous short films.


In the professional media industry if you do not meet your deadline  the production is pushed back further than expedited and the company that is working with you the could stop funding you or pull out completely.  To not go over your deadline you would have person with you to make sure the shot that you had planned for the day are all finished by the end of filming time.

My group did meet are deadline with having all the work finished. Due to the weather we had to plan slightly different to what we had planned for are filming week. If we was to do this short again we would check the weather forecast and make sure at if it rained we would move the shot missed on that day would fit in the next day or so they would get done.


A media facility house will let you hire out equipment such as cameras, lighting, mics and etc.The costing of equipment would start from £100 upwards. The closest media facility house is in London and there is also one is Bristol.

With our DepicT! short we rented our equiment out from the colleges av room. To obtaint the equipment we would use one of my group mebers student ID card or mine, what we would get out would get out is a camera, tripod and sd card for the main part and when we was recording the voice we hired out a portable mic and on that attached to the camera.


A location recce is where you got look at the potential areas you could film at or in and you also take photos so you can try match it up to your story line and a recce is used cover the avablibity of the places you want to film in. A location release form- you need to get permission of someone who owns/ take care of the private property land and if they don't give you permission you can't film in the place you initially planned to.

The places that my group decided  to film was the recreational park and the college green screen room  W16. The reasons we wanted to film in these places were that the park was close to the college ground and we didn't need to travel far and we got the permission from the college caretaker to film in the green screen room. If we couldn't have the permission to use the room we would have filmed it all outside it the park.

When doing the risk assessment form we looked at all the possible situations that could have occurred when filming. There were risks that when we filmed Mr Justice getting pushed over; he could have got bruises or he could have slipped and sprained any of his limbs. We overcame that by making sure he wasn't pushed hard and that he landed on something soft.  Crossing the road, we over came that by using the allocated crossing areas to be safe. The uneven ground and glass on the path we avoided so noone would get hurt.
  We had to be careful using the film equipment as it was the college's and if got broken we would have to pay. To make sure that didn't happen we carried a piece of equipment each so one person wasn't overloaded with bags.


Addition matrerial like props, costumes and audio. For audio my group looked at royalty free websites which were and Incomptech for the music and and free sounds for the sound effects. For visual effects in our video we looked up royalty free in YouTube.
If we was to use to us an offical soundtrack we would have to go through alot paper signnings to have the permission to use one.

Legal Issues
If  my group was to use music that was copyrighted our video would be taken down and or taken to court as we didn't have the permission to use that material.
Copyright protects your work and stops others from using it without your permission.
You automatically get copyright protection when you create:

  • original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, including illustration and photography
  • original non-literary written work, eg software, web content and databases
  • sound and music recordings
  • film and television recordings
  • broadcasts
  • the layout of published editions of written, dramatic and musical works
You can mark your work with the copyright symbol (©), your name and the year of creation. Whether you mark the work or not doesn’t affect the level of protection you have.

So now if someone tried to change our video or repubuilshes it as the own we could sue them, but if someone used the same music as us we wouldn't be allowed to sue as the music is royalty free. with the images we used in our video they were also royalty free. Information for the moon image
“NASA still images, audio files, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.”

More information can be found here

This is the image of the moon we used.

Clearance is the act of distriubing your film in the cinema or a public screen. You are only allowed to show the film we have created when we have got written permission from everyone in the production (actors/ actresses).

Public Liability Insurance will cover legal expenese and will cover a bussiness if someone or something gets damaged during filming.

Completion guarantee/insurance: This is the insurace that you would need and to make sure you finish your film on time other wise it will not cover you.


OFCOM is the office of communication(OFCOM). It is a regulating body for compeitions, telecommunications and the postal industies in the UK. They  are responsible for the fair use in the distribustion of media. They are the ones who will review a media product and give it the all clean to say that it is safe to view by the public.

The BBC is regulated by the BBC trust. It used to conisit of 12 board member who acted on public intrest.The abolition of the trust is currently under discussion. OFCOM protects the public from harmful or offensive material while the BBC trust looks and find out what it in the public intrest.

The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) they give the age rating to games, moives, and tv programmes within the UK .

What I have learn it that our DepicT! short  if it was rated by the BBFC it would probably be a U or PG as there is violents. I have learnt that OFCOM protect people from the questionable marial on the meida such as violents and sex and that BBFC rate games, movie and TV programmes from what content is in them.

Trade Unions and Trade Associations

A trade union is a group designed to protect and advance the rights and intrests of workers in a trade. For example working condistions, health care, wages and safety.

PACT has a strong record of helping and campain for produers rights and help grown domestically and internationly.  'BECTU is the UK's media and enterianment trade union;sectors covered include broadcasting, film, indepentant production, thertre and arts, lesurire and digital media'. 

Bima help advertise and support work made in the England, Scotland and Wales and help encourage the next genartion.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Fay,

    You have outlined requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production

